Monday 22 August 2011

Peer Review 2 - Laser Cutting

Charlotte Farquharson -

Charlotte's concept in the theme 'sustenance' looked upon the idea of water, and drew into the design of a mobile architecture where people go to collect water. The structure of the building is created from long pieces with jigsaw like joints which allows the building to be able to be disassembled and reassembled efficiently.

I enjoyed Charlotte's idea of having a public water collection space and how it brings back historical rituals of water collection from wells, into the present day scenario. Her design had ambitious forms which gave strong impressions of geometrical shapes, which I found fascinating.

Christopher Ford -

Christopher's response to 'sustenance' looks at time where he focuses on the changing angles of light created through the different shapes of windows and the rotating gears. Christopher's structual focus is on the rotation of the doors within the octagonal building. His design brought out literal connotations of time such as in Alice in Wonderland.

I was impressed to see mechanics which Christopher used in his design. The door could be manually rotated by a handle sprouted from the gears above the roof. I believe Christopher could strengthen the relationship between time with sustenance in his design. Overall I was delighted with Christopher's design as I found it very visually and mechanically intriguing.

Bryton Pilling -

Bryton's Design approach to 'sustenance' focused on open-source software, a type of software which allowed the user to shape it to whatever the need may be . Brtyon came forth with a design which a shelter, held by flexible  pillars where people could walk through and bend at will, hence altering the form of the shelter (yet could hold its form when untouched). He also cleverly used lasercutting to create symmetrical hexagonal holes into his shelter, which resulted in creating flexible properties. I thought that it was a brilliant idea, particularly how the character of open source software complimented with character of the architectural design.

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