Tuesday 2 August 2011

A Memorable Moment: Discussion & crit with Ian

Today we had quite an interesting discussion with Ian which enlightened us a bit more on the idea of "waking up". We each made a hand sketch of a memorable moment in our past on a plain A4 paper and pinned them all against a wall. Some people were called out to share about their memorable moments. Ian asked the people sharing questions which went beyond the superficial such as... "how did this impact you?", "how would you reflect on this event now?". With these questions, Ian wanted us to realise that all these moments shape us into who we are today and that after these events, our way of thought may differ from before. Ian explained that "waking up" can be a change of the way we think, the way we interpret things, the way we question things, the way we react to things (realisation?... these could all be considered a form of 'waking up'.

In my hand sketch, I drew the time when i fractured my ankle when attempting to do something stupid (for ego)  while playing basketball. Through this event I realised how my childish and foolish actions lead to painful memories of months of being stuck in a moon boot... which meant that I couldn't play basketball during that time. From this memory I realised how the pain of having the freedom to be able to actively play basketball taken away was much more taunting than the initial physical pains of fracturing the bone. I realised that I loved this freedom and it was something which I did not realise I treasured so much.

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